Tax Planning
What does tax planning mean?
We can help plan for various life changes like a new baby, new home, new marriage, etc.
Assisted Living and Skilled Nursing Tax Preparation and Planning – We know what deductions you can take while living in a facility. Let us help!
Bankruptcy Tax Preparation – We can help you with all aspects of bankruptcy tax preparation and planning. We handle all tax forms including 1099c & 1099a. We are specialist in canceled debt and foreclosures.
Buying a New Home – What happens to your taxes if you buy a new home? What if you take the down payment out of your IRA? Will you be penalized? We can help with proper tax planning for buying a new home.
Buying a New Car – If you purchase a new car, you qualify to write the sales tax off as a deduction!
College Planning – There are substantial tax credits for attending college. We can help to ensure you don’t miss out on these credits that the government offers you, your spouse, or children attending college or trade schools.
Death of a Spouse – We can help with all tax concerns for a deceased spouse. Many times the male dies first, leaving his wife with a large mess. Especially if for 50 years he did everything including the preparations. We can help put these concerns to rest (no pun intended).
Deaf, Handicapped, Mentally, or Physically Impaired – We know what deductions to look for to help you pay the least amount of taxes and if any equipment is deductable.
Divorce Tax Preparation Help – Getting a divorce? Need to know the tax implications to you and your spouse? Need to know what taxes you will pay on alimony? Need to know what happens when the spouse takes all or some of the children? We can use your current return to let you know what changes you may have to make for your next year’s tax situation. This can help take out the surprises of divorcing and your taxes!
Male Tax Situations – “If she works, how will my taxes be affected? If she doesn’t work, what will my taxes look like? Should I get married? Get divorced? Plan for a child? Take money out of my IRA? Should I buy a new home?” If you’re asking yourself these questions, come see us and let us help you answer them!
Female Tax Situations – We love females and we want to help! The tax implications of being female are sometimes stronger and more confusing than those of the males. On a limited income you may ask, “Can I afford to get married? Should I or Shouldn’t I?” At any age we can let you know the tax implications of many major life situations. Come see us if you’re asking, “Should I marry him? I love him but can we afford to lose $5000.00 of tax credits and refunds this year? Should I have a baby? Should I get a divorce? Should I buy a new home? What will the tax implications be?”
Foreclosure Tax Planning – Did your home foreclose? Did you abandon a bank owned home? We can help with all tax implications of foreclosures. We specialize in forms 1099a & 1099c.
Marriage – Are you getting married? Do your taxes change? YES they DO! We can use your current tax return to help plan your next year’s return with a new spouse and added children that may come with a new marriage.
Giving to a Charity or Individual – We can help with planning for giving money or property to others. If you give too much to one individual, will they have to file that donation on their taxes? Will the $5,000 you plan to give to a child help next year? Will giving that new car away to a charity benefit your tax return? We can help with all charitable questions and situations.
High Income Wage Earners Preparation and Planning – Let us help you prepare for a new salary and help keep you from paying too much in taxes.
Home Energy Credits – Did you replace your AC, roof, or other covered energy efficient home improvements? We can help! We have all the guidelines of the home energy tax credit!
Inheritance – We can help you plan for an up coming inheritance or windfall.
Itemize Deduction Planning – We can help determine which deductions are valid and we can interview you to see if you would be able to itemize on your current return.
Military Tax Preparation and Planning – Are you stationed in another part of the country or world? We can help you with all military tax implications and planning.
New baby – The tax credits for children can be confusing, but the benefits can be enormous! We can use your current tax return to help plan your next year’s return with a new child or adding additional children.
New Job or Job Loss Planning – We can help you determine if job related expenses are covered for your job search or new occupation.
New Tax Payer or Teen Children – Did your child pick up a summer job? Will this affect your tax return? Will they need to file? We can help with all aspects of teen children and taxpayers.
Rental Property – Did you buy an investment property or are you planning on buying one? Are you a snowbird that rents a vacation home when you are up north? We can help with the tax preparation and planning on your new venture!
Retirement or Retirement accounts – Are you getting ready to retire? Do you know all the rules and age requirements of the IRS, Social Security Administration and retirement plans? We can help! We can use your current return or create a mock return based on your new tax situation.
Retirement Accounts – Did you know you may have penalties if you withdraw money early? We can help you plan for these fees. We can help you exclude these fees for a covered reason. We can use your current return to let you know what changes you may have to your next year’s tax situation.
Retirement Tax Preparation – As you know retirement may be uncertain. How much do I take out? How much do I need to live on? What happens if I take that money out? Do I get a penalty from the company, from the IRS, or from the Social Security Administration? At what age do I start to collect social security? When do I draw from my IRA? We can help with these questions and many more!
Selling a Home – Will you have to pay capital gains taxes? We can help!
Single Parent – The IRS offers some large tax credits for single parents. You do not want to miss out on these credits! We can use your current tax return to help plan your next year’s return with a new child or adding additional children.
Starting a New business – We can help direct you to set up your new business properly. We can help in all sorts of ways: from setting up a tax entity, to income tax preparation, employee pay, and all other business concerns.
Stock Tax Preparation (Including Day Trading) – This can be very tricky. If you are not a specialist I recommend you call us. We have helped thousands of customers with stock tax preparation in the past 20 years. If you get a letter about stocks, please call! We can eliminate large tax bills by helping you locate your stock’s cost basis.
Unemployment Tax Specialists – Lose your job? Have to Quit? Need to know what that will do to your next year’s refund? Need to plan your unemployment withholdings? We can help!
W-4 and Employment Form Specialists – Your employer hands you this form and you do not know how to fill it out. Your parents warned you about not filling out your forms correctly. We can help complete this for you.
Windfall – We can help you prepare for a windfall and the tax implications of the windfall!
If you would like information on any of these issues – any day of the year – contact us. We will be glad to assist you.