Prior Year’s Returns

Do you have prior year tax issues? We can help!

No matter what your situation, trust us we’ve seen worse. Having past tax returns can be daunting, but whether you’ve failed to file or failed to pay, we can help you turn that fear of what to do into confidence that it’s done correctly.

We have found over the years, on many occasions, that people who haven’t filed all their returns are overwhelmed by the task for two primary reasons:

  1. First, it’s common to think that the IRS is this big, scary entity and that IRS employees are out to get you.

  2. And, if you have past due returns, you may feel that the task is just too much for you to handle; too hard to ensure everything is right so you won’t get in more trouble.

Those two factors, acting in concert, has the ability to freeze and paralyze even the best-intentioned, honest people (like you).

Let’s address both issues.

  • First, the IRS can be big and scary but only if you intentionally attempt to cheat them or you don’t take your tax situation seriously. However, our job is to deal with them on a daily basis, and we know the ins and the outs of working things out with them. We do that all the time. So, we’re very familiar with the paths to follow, the people to call, and the numbers to dial so that we can ensure you get the best possible solution for your particular situation.

  • The second issue: No matter whether you are behind one year or multiple years, there’s no reason to be concerned when using Tom’s Tax Service. You will receive professional help filing properly because that’s what we do best. So it makes great sense to shift the burden to us. We treat your tax problem as the pressing circumstance it is. We get it; We understand. And, we’ll get you going on the path to your solution quickly and painlessly.

We can almost always get the IRS to allow appropriate time to get the work done then get it done with absolute perfection. We’ll give you clear, specific instructions on what you need to do and to provide us. We talk in layman’s language, not some arcane argot spoken only by tax geeks, so you are clear exactly what needs to be done and how we intend to do it.

Do you owe more than you can pay?

We’ll work hard on your behalf to negotiate a payment plan that both you and the IRS can live with. In certain, extreme cases, maybe an “Offer in Compromise” is necessary and we can make that work too.

In short, when you need a friend in the land of tax troubles, we’re the one to turn to. You’ll be glad you did.

Contact Tom’s Tax Service and get the expert help you need today.