For Current Year Individual Income Tax Returns, We offer the following Refund Services:
- Direct Deposit: Get your refund in 8 to 15 days to your bank account.
- Check in the mail: Within 2 to 3 weeks the IRS will mail your check to your mailing address.
- Electronic Refund Check: Receive a check from our tax bank with the fees subtracted in 8 to 17 days.v
- Electronic Refund Direct Deposit: Receive a direct deposit from our tax bank with the fee subtracted in 8 to 15 days.
- Debit Card: Receive a direct deposit on our bank’s visa debit card in your name with the fees subtracted in 8 to 15 days.
List of Our Services – Personal and Business:
(NOTE: To see the business services alone, please click here for the Business Services page)
- Accounting/Bookkeeping – We offer all aspects of accounting and bookkeeping from helping with profit and loss statements to preparing employee’s W-2s, quarterly reports, issuing W-2s, and more.
- Adoption Tax Preparation and Planning – Considering an adoption or you have already adopted a child. Let us help you with the tax credits related to adoption.
- All State and City Tax Returns – We prepare all state and local income tax returns. We are very affordable and we can e-file these returns. We even help with county and city tax return preparation.
- Amended Returns – We fix all mistakes, on all tax returns up to 3 years back.
- Assisted Living and Skilled Nursing Tax Preparation and Planning – We know what deductions you can take while living in a facility. Let us help!
- Bankruptcy, Foreclosure, or Insolvency Tax Preparation – We can help you with all aspects of bankruptcy tax preparation and planning. We handle all tax forms including 1099c & 1099a. Did your home foreclose? Did you abandon a bank owned home? We can help with all tax implications of foreclosures. We specialize in forms 1099a & 1099c.
- Business Set Up – S Corp, C Corp, LLC, Partnerships and Sole Proprietors – We can help direct you to set up your new business properly. We can help in all sorts of ways: from setting up a tax entity, to income tax preparation, employee pay, and all other business concerns.
- Business & Corporation Tax Preparation – We prepare returns for all business tax entities: S Corp, C Corp, LLC, Partnership and Sole Proprietorships. We are especially well versed in the categories of business: Actors, Auctions and Online Stores, Beauty, CNA, Childcare, Couriers, Cosmetics, Dancers, Delivery Drivers, Handyman, Home Health Care, Insurance Agent/Agency, Long Haul Truck Drivers, Mail Delivery, Massage Therapists, Models, Online Businesses, Newspaper Delivery, Pizza Delivery, RN, Real Estate Agents/Brokers, and Teachers.
- Buying a New Home – What happens to your taxes if you buy a new home? What if you take the down payment out of your IRA? Will you be penalized? We can help with proper tax planning for buying a new home.
- Buying a New Car – If you purchase a new car, you qualify to write the sales tax off as a deduction!
- Capital Gains, and Loss Assistance(includes stocks and day traders)– One of the most confusing and mistaken parts of the tax return is the schedule D. More than half of the IRS and State Tax Letters we correct are capital gains related. We can help you find your cost basis!Charity Or Giving to an individual planning and preparation – We will help you with the tax deductibility of your donations.
- Child Care Credit – Having a child is a big responsibility. The government has set a series of credit that can be a big relief. We can help to see if you qualify for this credit and calculate the amount of the credit.
- Clergy Tax – We love our Clergy and We are able to prepare all Clergy related income tax forms.
- College Tax Preparation & Planning – There are substantial tax credits for attending college. We can help to ensure you don’t miss out on these credits that the government offers you, your spouse, or children attending college or trade schools.
- Credits or Tax Credits – Almost every year a new tax credit is added. If you do not follow the tax law changes you may leave off a well deserved tax credit.
- Death of a Spouse – We can help with all tax concerns for a deceased spouse. Many times the spouse that handles the tax returns dies first, leaving the other spouse with a large mess. Especially if for 50 years he/she did everything including the preparations. We can help put these concerns to rest (no pun intended).
- Deaf, Handicapped, Mentally, or Physically Impaired – We know what deductions to look for to help you pay the least amount of taxes and if any equipment is deductible.
- Deceased Taxpayer – Your relative dies and you want to help them complete their final return. We can help.Digital Life – When you prepare your returns with us we offer a digital copy of the return. We can also scan your receipts and back up documents into an IRS accepted digital format so you can become completely digital.
- Divorce Tax Preparation Help – Getting a divorce? Need to know the tax implications to you and your spouse? Need to know what taxes you will pay on alimony? Need to know what happens when the spouse takes all or some of the children? We can use your current return to let you know what changes you may have to make for your next year’s tax situation. This can help take out the surprises of divorcing and your taxes!
- Download Tax Forms W-2 or 1099′s Early – If your tax form is online we will find it and download it. We also help with companies that refuse to issue w-2s or have gone out of business.
- Drop off Service – Drop of your papers and give us as little as an hour and we can have them done. We are fast and accurate!Earned Income Credit – This can be the largest credit on a tax return, but can be equally confusing. We will help determine if you qualify and calculate the amount of the credit.
- Employee Business Expenses – We are well versed in the tax preparation needs of Airlines Attendants, Long Haul Truck Drivers, Couriers and Newspaper Delivery, Health Care services, Home Health Care, Nurses.
- Energy Credits – Did you make an energy efficient upgrade to your home? We can help with deducting these improvements.Estimated Payment Planning and Preparation of vouchers – We can advise on your estimated tax planning for the next year and print the vouchers to mail in.
- Extension Filing and Planning Assistance – Do you know exactly what an extension means? How much to pay? When they are due? Do you need one? We can help plan your extension or file your return. Many people confuse owing money to the IRS a reason to file an extension or not file at all. This is not true and we can help!
- Female Tax Situations – We love females and we want to help! The tax implications of being female are sometimes stronger and more confusing than those of the males. On a limited income you may ask, “Can I afford to get married? Should I or Shouldn’t I?” At any age we can let you know the tax implications of many major life situations. Come see us if you’re asking, “Should I marry him? I love him but can we afford to lose $5000.00 of tax credits and refunds this year? Should I have a baby? Should I get a divorce? Should I buy a new home? What will the tax implications be?”
- Family Tax Planning, Dependents, Divorce, and Marriage Planning – Making a major life change? Why wait until its too late? Call to get pre-change tax planning!
- Forms – Do you know that there are forms that even stump some tax preparers? 1099a, 1099b, 1099c, 1099-misc, ETC. can be very confusing. Make sure if you have these forms you choose a preparer that is well versed with the tax implications of these forms.
- Free 2nd Look at Previous Year(s) Tax returns – You just have a feeling that you deserve more! You need to call use for a free 2nd look!Free Refund Estimates – If you want an estimate of your refund or amount due, just say give me an estimate!
- Giving to a Charity or Individual – We can help with planning for giving money or property to others. If you give too much to one individual, will they have to file that donation on their taxes? Will the $5,000 you plan to give to a child help next year? Will giving that new car away to a charity benefit your tax return? We can help with all charitable questions and situations.
- High Income Wage earners Tax Preparation and Planning – You landed that dream job! You are earning more than you could have dreamed of! Now you need Tax Planning! We can help!Home Energy Credits – Did you replace your AC, roof, or other covered energy efficient home improvements? We can help! We have all the guidelines of the home energy tax credit!
- Home Sale Preparation – You sold your main or rental home! We can help you will the tax preparation of home sales!
- Identity Theft Preparation Assistance – A new threat to individual taxpayers is income tax identity theft. Yes, people are stealing tax returns! Unreal! We are here to help you understand the process and help you submit the proper forms and information as well as getting your return filed and getting your tax refund.
- Inheritance or Windfall Tax Preparation and Planning – You got that inheritance, Your Family Home, or major windfall and you don’t want to spend it until you know if it is taxable! Call us! We can help!
- Injured Spouse Debt Protection
- Innocent Spouse Debt Protection
- Investments – Not sure of how to handle investments? Don’t understand cost basis? We are well versed in investment tax preparation.
- IRA’s Individual Retirement Arrangements – Do you listen to a banker for tax advice? Why not call your tax preparer? We can help you chose the right account to suit your needs. Should you get a traditional IRA? Should you get a Roth IRA? How much can you contribute? We can help with all IRA questions.
- IRS letter Help – We help with IRS letters. Get a letter need it explained? We can help. Need your return amended we can help. We help correct over 80% of the letters our customers receive and many times it results in no money due from the client.
- Itemize Deduction Planning – We can help determine which deductions are valid and we can interview you to see if you would be able to itemize on your current return.
- Job Loss and Unemployment Tax Forms and Planning – Losing a job can be devastating, but not as devastating as not receiving a refund for your children, Call us to learn more.
- Last Pay Stubs – Did you file from your last paystub? Did you know it is against the IRS rules to do so? Why? Because more than 50% of returns filed from last pay stubs are wrong. Many times money is left on the table! We can help fix last paystub tax filing and we will give you a free estimate to see if it is worth changing the return.
- Lawsuits – Are Lawsuits deductable if you are sued? How about the proceeds of a lawsuit are they taxable? Call us for more information.
- Lost W-2, 1099, or Tax Form Help – We can locate any lost W-2! Cannot file your taxes, because you lost a w-2, never received it, or your employer when out of business? We can help you locate your w2
- Male Tax Situations – “If she works, how will my taxes be affected? If she doesn’t work, what will my taxes look like? Should I get married? Get divorced? Plan for a child? Take money out of my IRA? Should I buy a new home?” If you’re asking yourself these questions, come see us and let us help you answer them! Marriage – Are you getting married? Do your taxes change? YES they DO! We can use your current tax return to help plan your next year’s return with a new spouse and added children that may come with a new marriage.
- Maximum Refund Guarantee – We guarantee our work! We get you the most money back or its free!
- Military Tax Preparation and Planning – Are you stationed in another part of the country or world? Active Or Retired, We can help you with all military tax implications and planning.
- Moving expense assistance – Did you Move for your job or business? Call us for Moving expense preparation.
- New Car Purchase – You could deduct a portion of the purchase on your tax return, call to see how.
- New Home Purchase – We help deduct the expenses related to buying and selling a home.
- New Child or Children – The tax credits for children can be confusing, but the benefits can be enormous! We can use your current tax return to help plan your next year’s return with a new child or adding additional children. Your new spouse had children before your marriage? We can help tax preparation and planning with children.
- New Tax Payer or Teen Children – Did your child pick up a summer job? Will this affect your tax return? Will they need to file? We can help with all aspects of teen children and taxpayers. Did you know that if your child doesn’t check the appropriate box on their return, you will not be able to claim them.
- Non-Resident/ITIN Filers – We can help file returns for non-residents. We can help complete the forms needed to get the ITIN Number needed to file your tax returns and claim dependents.
- Obama-Care Assistance – We help businesses and individuals navigate the affordable health care act.
- Per Diem Tax Preparation for all states and occupations – The Per Diem Tax Deduction can be very confusing. This deduction varies from state to state and for long haul jobs. We are well versed in the Per Diem needs of Truck drivers, entertainers, construction and other industries. We are able to help with your per diem deduction calculation and preparation.
- Previous Tax Preparation up to 20 years when needed – We can prepare all returns up to 20 years when needed. Just call!
- QuickBooks Set-Up – You purchased the software to manage your business, but do not want to make a mistake. Call us to help set it up!
- Rental Property & Vacation Home Rental Tax Preparation – Did you buy an investment property or are you planning on buying one? Are you a snowbird that rents a vacation home when you are up north? We can help with the tax preparation and planning on your new venture!
- Retirement or Retirement accounts – Are you getting ready to retire? Do you know all the rules and age requirements of the IRS, Social Security Administration and retirement plans? Did you know you may have penalties if you withdraw money early? We can help you exclude these fees for a covered reason. We can use your current return to let you know what changes you may have to your next year’s tax situation.
- Retirement Tax Preparation – As you know retirement may be uncertain. How much do I take out? How much do I need to live on? What happens if I take that money out? Do I get a penalty from the company, from the IRS, or from the Social Security Administration? At what age do I start to collect social security? When do I draw from my IRA? We can help with these questions and many more!
- RollOvers – Rollovers can be confusing. There are many fees, rules and penalties if you do not execute a rollover properly. We can help research and execute your roll over properly.
- Single Parent – The IRS offers some large tax credits for single parents. You do not want to miss out on these credits! We can use your current tax return to help plan your next year’s return with a new child or adding additional children.
- Stock Tax Preparation (Including Day Trading) – This can be very tricky. If you are not a specialist I recommend you call us. We have helped thousands of customers with stock tax preparation in the past 20 years. If you get a letter about stocks, please call! We can eliminate large tax bills by helping you locate your stock’s cost basis.
- Tax Planning for all of Life’s Changes – We can help you plan for everything tax related!
- Unemployment Tax Specialists – Lose your job? Have to Quit? Need to know what that will do to your next year’s refund? Need to plan your unemployment withholdings? We can help! Losing a job can be devastating, but not as devastating as not receiving a refund for your children, Call us to learn more.
- W-4 and Withholding Guidance – Your employer hands you this form and you do not know how to fill it out. Your parents warned you about not filling out your forms correctly. We can help complete this for you FOR FREE!
- What to Bring – Confused about what you need to have with you when you come to see us? Check out our What to Bring page for details.
Referral Service: Send your friends. Get Paid $10 for every new customer!
- We accept all competitor’s coupons and will beat written estimates.
- We offer drop off/pick up service. Leave them with us and save time and money!
- We are open year round! Jan To April we are open Late!
- We can deduct your preparation and filing fees from your tax refund.
- We accept Amex, Debit Cards, Discover, Master Card, Paypal and Visa Cards.
- We help answer all tax questions.
- We can help find tax deductions you might not be aware of.
- We offer Free Tax lax change updates
- We offer Free eFile